Friday, November 18, 2011

Wood and Plater Pal

So I made a pig and decided to be crazy (thanks to Ingy) and instead of painting its pink like a normal one, I covered in in bacon strips that I cut out of paper. This took a long time but in the end was worth it and came out really really well. I used cardboard, wire and paint for the nose, eyes and ears. This took the least amount of time and was the easiest to make. I  decided no to make the nose or ears out of bacon because you dont get bacon from either of those things so I just painted them pink.
For wood I decided to make a house for my pig. I was suppose to work with Silmar but since he hasnt been here I did it by myself and it was hard. I ran in to a lot of problems on the way and didnt really like the whole wood thing. In the end my wood house was just basically a box on the bottom and then a triangle on top. I asked Joe for help and everything worked out good in the end and now I like it.